Image and Gallery System

Using the robust capabilities of Drupal's content management and page builder, we have created a comprehensive image and photo gallery management system for efficient asset management. This gallery can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of systems, including websites and learning management systems.


What features are available?

Based on Drupal

These features are implemented using Drupal's entity and taxonomy, making it effortless to customize them to meet your specific needs.

Mobile Optimized

We have incorporated this feature into our h5 builder, making it effortless for you to construct an image gallery tailored to your specifications..

Image Hotspots

We offer image hotspots, enabling users to add descriptive annotations to any area of an image.

Image Galleries

You can display your images, videos and text in a beautiful gallery layout in PC or mobile.

Metadata Supported

Using Drupal's key/value features, images can support a variety of customized metadata, allowing them to be tagged and sorted efficiently.

SEO Supported

It is equipped with SEO optimization features, including URL and meta tag optimization, to drive organic traffic with built-in SEO tools.

Customizable Design

The design and theme can be easily switched to another one, and it can also be customized to suit your unique style.

Open Platform

By leveraging the open-source Drupal platform, we can effortlessly integrate with various authentication providers and establish connections with any system that has APIs.

Prefer To Meet Sooner?

Want to learn more on how we can help your business grow with GrapesJS ? The fastest way to get your questions answered is to schedule a call directly with one of our consultants.
