Professional Drupal Upgrade Service

We offer a streamlined content migration process and Drupal upgrade services utilizing content migration tools and Drupal modules, If you have any inquiries regarding Drupal upgrades or require further information on related topics, kindly inform us.

Drupal 7 Upgrade

Considering the history of Drupal 7, upgrade is not feasible, and so we suggest to revamp your site from scratch base on Drupal 9/10, which involves 2 steps, site development and content migration.

Drupal 8 Upgrade

The Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 upgrades can be performed from the Drupal code base, but there are some differences to be noted. Please review our proposed solution.

Server Architecture

Infrastruct architecture includes servers, databases, networks, filesystem, backup and COB servers (Continuity of Business), which is a process-driven approach to maintaining operations in the event of an unplanned disruption such as a cyber attack or natural disaster.

CI/CD Workflow

We process a simple and effective workflow to delivery and deploy sotfware, Additionally, we possess the capability to collaborate with DevOps teams in order to automate the deployment process.


Clients We Serve

We have built hundreds of instances for different business clients, including website, cms, h5 and wechat miniapp.

You have any questions ?

Contact us for Drupal development or any technical inquiries.

  • Drupal Development
  • Drupal Upgrade
  • Drupal Revamp

In the most instances, the process takes approximately 1-2 months to finalize once the design has been prepared.

It depends on requirements, such as how many functionality points. Typically, the cost of a medium-sized website is about $6K to $15K. Our experiences and low local labor cost drive our competitive price, while still ensuring the provision of high-quality service, Furthermore, you can the price from some vendors by Google.
Drupal website cost
How much will it cost to build a website
Why Drupal and the cost

We can offer UI design service, but if you already have it completed, it would expedite the development process and yield optimal results.

For Drupal 7, we need to revamp your website using Drupal 9/10 as Drupal 7 cannot be upgraded seamlessly. For Drupal 8/9, we can follow our upgrade process to carry out the upgrade for Drupal 8 and Drupal 9.

Depending on the agreed terms, we offer our clients comprehensive support and maintenance services after the development phase. Our clients get access to tailor-made support packages, security patches, updates, and bug fixes. Any problems you face with, you can count on us to resolve it for you.

Be better if you have one. If no, we can help you to choose a cloud provider, such as AWS, Linode or Alicloud.

Sure! It will significantly reduce the time spent on requirements analysis and UI design, and we can proceed the development immediately.

Prefer To Meet Sooner?

Please promptly get in touch with us as we can provide comprehensive assistance for your requirements.

Contact us

Contact us


Please consult our technical director for expert guidance.

+86 18610256090

Please email us to send your any development inquires.

No. Seven Creative Park, Yuangang Avenue #10, Guangzhou

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